How to fix your bad habit (move to a particular side etc.)

How to fix your bad habit (move to a particular side etc.)

Everyone has something like a habit.
For example, when do a back flip, the one always moves to right side little bit.
It is often said that here are two ways to fix the bad habit.

1.Intend to do the completely opposite motion

If you tend to move the right side, you should intend to move to the left side.
It is not easy to fix your habit, so you have to have a strong will and force yourself to do the opposite motion.
To intend to “fix” is not enough, you must move to the right side even though you intend to do straightly.


2.Intend to do that bad motion on your own will(not by your habit automatically)

If you tend to move to the right side, you should intend to move to the right side.
By doing so, you can figure out what force is applied and how your bad motion occurs.
You will be aware of the mechanism which you haven’t noticed because it occurs automatically.
After you are aware of the mechanism with your senses, you can easily eliminate the force which has been causing your bad habit.


The summary is that you should have a strong will to fix your bad habit.
A week will doesn’t work.
If you want to do jump more vertically in a back flip, you should practice gainer back flip(Auerbach in gymnastics).