Connect Round off or Back Handspring to Back flip

Connect Round off or Back Handspring to Back flip

A round off or back handspring to back flips are one of the most important skills in acrobat.
However, to do it perfectly is very difficult because that it is composed of two skills.
In this page, you can see how to connect a round off or a back handspring to back flips.
And off course, you should  improve your round off or back handspring and back flips respectively.

Round off (for flips directly)

Back Handspring

Back Flip



1 – Decide what you want to do in that flip –

At first, you have to decide which kind of flip you want to do.
Proper punch angle(position) and form for each flip is different according to a kind of the flip.

punch angle figure

Which does the flip you want to do require

1. Nothing special

If you just want to do a flip, select this.

2. A lot of twist

If you want to do many twisting single flips, select this.

3. Much rotation

If you want to do double back or something, select this.

4.  Just a connection to another flip

If you wan to do some main flip after that, select this.




2 – Make a proper punch position and form-

The basic punch angle(position) and form are the vertical to the ground and the straight form made with arms, upper body and legs.
However, the ideal angle and form changes according to what a flip requires.
See below.

1. Nothing special

The ideal for this is the same as the basic one.
Vertical to the ground and a straight form.

basic punching angle and form

2. A lot of twist

The proper angle for this is the angle in which you are leaning forward slightly.
It is because you need more angle (more than 360°) than usual.
And the ideal form is a straight form all the long while you are on the ground.

leaning forward punching angle is good for twisting

additional angle gives you more space for twisting

Kenzo Shirai's punching angle when quad twist
Kenzo Shirai’s quad twist from a back handspring (at the moment of takeoff)

In most cases, you over-rotate if you do many twisting flips, because you don’t have time to loose your muscles and prepare for landing(To loose your muscles is an effective way to decrease your rotation).
(cf. Put strength in your whole body while rotating)
Those ideal angle and form gives you less rotation so that you can land without loose of muscles and preparation for landing.
(cf. Slightly arch your back and jump)
You can continue to twist just before landing.

3. Much rotation

The proper angle and form when your feet touch the ground for this is the same as 2, in which you are leaning forward slightly with straight body.
However, the ideal angle and form at the moment of takeoff for this is different from the ideal for 2.
You should arch your back while you are on the ground.
The swing of your upper body itself initiates rotation.
(cf. Swing your arms and upper body)
Also, an arched form initiates as much.
(cf. Slightly arch your back and jump)

leaning forward punching angle and arching is good for twisting

Kenzo Shirai's punching angle when triple twisting double back layout
Kenzo Shirai’s triple twisting double layout from a back handspring (at the moment of takeoff)

Note that you should start arching after you extend your knees out and start moving upward.
It is because you should punch with your upper body and shins parallel.
(cf. Keep your torso and shins parallel when jumping)

4.  Just a connection to another flip

If you wan to do some main flip after the flip, the flip should be like a back handspring.
So the ideal angle(position) and the form is very similar to those of a back handspring.
You should lean backward and arch your back when takeoff.

ideal form round off to back handspring connection

Also, you should change your round off.
(cf. Round off (for a Back Handspring))
(cf. Connect Round off to Back Handspring)


3 – Make a proper punch angle(position) –

This is mentioned in Connect Round off to Back Handspring  but you can change the angle(position) when your feet touch the ground by making your form smaller or bigger in the air(off course, you can change it by changing your round off).

If your form is smaller, you would rotate more and going to be more leaning back when your feet touch the ground.
If your form is bigger, you would rotate less and going to be more leaning forward.
By changing your form, get the ideal punch angle(position).

bigger form makes you leaning forward when punch smaller form makes you leaning backward when punch



Also, by changing the timing you extend your knees and hip-joint, you can change the angle(position) at the takeoff.
It is because rotation continues while you are on the ground.
If you punch earlier, you are still leaning forward.
if you punch later, you start leaning back.

back flip : rotation continues even while on the ground

You have to note that the ideals in this page are general ones.
Therefore, you should adjust to your skills of round off, back handspring, and back flip.
If you want more height, you should be more vertical and straight when takeoff.
(cf. Tip 1(common) : Make your lower body straightened and vertical to the ground)

If you want more rotation, you should more arch and making arch more swiftly.
(cf. Swing your arms and upper body)
(cf. Slightly arch your back and jump)


4 – Summary –

How to connect to a back flip is just how to make proper punch angle(position) and form.
And the ideals are depending on a kind of flip you want to do.
Understanding ideals helps you.
Adjust your angle(position) by changing your form in the air and the timing you punch.