How to get more rotation in flips

How to get more rotation in flips

In general, there are three kinds of tips to get more height in flips.
You should start with 1.
After you complete 1, go to the next step, 2.
And the last is 3.
How to get more height in flips is here.

1.Get both more height and rotation

By these tips, you can jump/punch with more power.
Therefore, you can get more height and rotation.

1-1. Make the previous skill rotating more

Round off & Back Handspring
“The previous skill” means like a round off before a back flip, a handspring before a front flip, and so on.
If it rotates more, you can also rotate in the air more.
Also if it rotates more, its rotation momentum is added to the power you punch the ground with.
rotation continues in the air after round off

1-2. Extend out you knees and hip-joint

How to extend out your knee joints when taking off
Don’t you extend your knees and hip-joint when you do a vertical jump?
Flip is the same.
However, passing through a straight form, the power you jump/punch with diminishes.
hip-joint and knees should be extended at the same speed

1-3. Keep your torso and shins parallel before takeoff

Keep your torso and shins parallel when jumping
If you want to get more power from the ground, you should extend your knees and hip joints at the same speed.
Therefore, your torso and shins should be parallel until just before takeoff.
torso and shins should be parallel when prepare to jump

1-4. Keep your torso straight and stick your hips out(Front tlip)

Keep your torso straight and stick your hips out
If your form is not like squatting, extension of your hip-joint prevent you from rotating forward.
It is because your upper body initiates backward rotation.
Also, you can extend your hip-joint more because your hip-joint is more flexed with squatting form.
model straightened torso decrease backward rotation

2.Get only more rotation

We cannot add rotation in the air.
The only we can do for increase of rotation speed is to increase rotation efficiency.
To increase rotation efficiency has two ways(2-2,2-3).

2-1. Make run-up faster and the last jump lower and longer

Faster run-up gives your flip more rotation
Your horizontal speed is transformed to rotation by a frictional force.
Therefore, you should have more speed.
faster run makes more rotation

2-2. Make your form smaller in the air.

How to make your form more efficient for rotation (including improving tuck)
The smaller your form becomes, the faster your rotation becomes.
Actual small form is here.

2-3. Put strength to all your muscles

Put strength to all your muscles
A Pet bottle with water in it is difficult to rotate.
However, the bottle is filled with water, it is easy to rotate.
It is because there is energy loss due to water moving in the bottle.
Fix your muscles.
PET bottles : easy and difficult to rotate

3.Get more rotation in exchange for height

The power to jump/punch is used for getting  rotation and height.
By changing that distribution, you can get rotation in exchange for height.

3-1. Arch your back more when takeoff

To arch your back makes rotation but decreases height
The more you arch, the more you get rotation, but the less you get height.
However, if you arch earlier, both of rotation and height will diminish.
translate and rotate by oblique force

3-2. Change the swing direction of your arm, upper body(lower body when swing gainer)

Appropriate swing direction of your body
To swing something contributes to get rotation and height.
How much and which one that swing increases is determined by swing direction.
You should know the proper direction to increase rotation.
It is also applied to a swing gainer and a cast away and other rotation skills.