Round off (for flips directly)

Round off (for flips directly)

round off for back flip
There are two kinds of Round off.
One is round off for flip directly and the other is Round off (for Back Handspring).
Unless otherwise noted, Round off means Round off for flip directly in this page.

Tutorial of Round off (for flips directly)

1 – What is good Round off for flips? “Rotating much but hasn’t rotated yet so much” –

Good Round off for flip has good rotation, because rotation of round off makes rotation of a flip after that.
However, good round off requires that it hasn’t rotated so much when your feet touch the ground.

for a back flip punching angle for a back handspring make proper start position
While you are punching the ground, your body continue rotating and when takeoff, your body has rotated more than when you started punching.
And at the moment of takeoff, your body will be vertical to the ground and you can jump higher.

back flip : rotation continues even while on the ground
Therefore,  your body shouldn’t have rotated to the vertical position to the ground.
“Rotating much but hasn’t rotated yet so much” is required.
This is the same as a back handspring.

2 – What we should do for “rotating much” –

We can increase rotation of Round off by 3 ways.

1.Faster Run-up

to run faster makes your round off more rotating

To utilize your run-up, you should jump more forward before a round off.

2.Swing up your legs

round off : swing up legs

3.Swing down legs while your hands are on the ground

round off for back flip : swing down legs

These two ways are based on the same principle.
Swinging your body while you’re on the ground initiates rotation.
(cf. Tip2(common) : Swing your arms and upper body)
(cf. Appropriate swing direction of your body)

4. Pushing the ground by extending arms

round off for back flip push the ground by extending arms

If you have bent your arms, push the ground and you can get additional rotation.
(cf. Slightly arch your back and jump)


3 – What we should do for “hasn’t rotated so much” –

This is the same as a Back Handspring.
How can we resolve the paradox that a back handspring has good rotation but hasn’t rotated so much?
Solution for that has 2 ways.

Solution 1 Make time for rotation shorter

The solution is to make time for rotation shorter.
Even if a round off has good rotation, if the time to rotate is shorter, the round off cannot complete rotating.
Then, how to make the time to rotate shorter?
The solution is to make your round off lower.
It is the same as a flip.
If your round off is lower, your feet reach the ground earlier.
To make your round off lower, you should spread your arms wider and sometimes bend your arms.
People tend to bend their arms in round off when they didn’t get enough run-up and they push the ground with their arms and get additional rotation.

In addition to that, you can take another advantage of lower round off.
If your body is closer to the ground, you can punch more.
high round off gives less punching powerlow round off gives more punching power

Solution 2 Make your body bigger in the air

If your body is bigger, you rotate slower.
Therefore, you can get “hasn’t rotated so much”.
The detail is in Connect Round off or Back Handspring to Back flip .

4 – Summary –

To be a good Round off for flips directly, “Rotating much but hasn’t rotated yet so much” is required.
And for that, you should swing your legs properly and make the round off lower and make your form bigger in the air.