Ways to Practice (Dive roll)

Ways to Practice(Dive roll)

Contents of this page

0. Standing dive roll -if you’re scared-

1. From run -longer ⇒ longer and higher ⇒ higher-

2. Handstand roll-How to roll smootly-

0. Standing dive roll

If you are scared much, you don’t have to do a dive roll from run-up.
You should do it from a standing position.
At first, try to do longer dive roll(you don’t have to do high dive roll).
Jump a little bit forward and make the place where you put your head farther.
Little by little, you should make it longer.
standing dive roll long and low

1. From run-up

After you get used to do a standing dive roll, try to do it from run-up.
First, as the same as a standing one, do a longer dive roll.

dive roll lomg and low

And the next, try to do a longer and higher dive roll.

dive roll short and high

And the last, do a shorter and higher dive roll.
dive roll short and high
If you jump/punch with the same power, the shorter you jump/punch, the higher you can jump/punch.

2. Handstand roll -How to roll smoothly-

Do a handstand roll (How to roll smoothly).
In that handstand roll page, there are some tips and theory for rolling smoothly.

Practice hard and get a better dive roll!