Ways to Practice (Running Front flip)

Ways to Practice(Running Front flip)

Contents of this page
– Jump –
1.Dive roll

You can practice jump form with a dive roll.
Run and do a dive roll.
If you make your form small or put strength to your muscles in the air when dive roll, you will rotate too much for dive roll.
Therefore, you shouldn’t do them and just roll(land on your back on mattress or trampoline).

Dive roll

2.Dive roll onto mattress

If you succeed in improving your jumping form, you’d rotate too much when dive roll.
The next step is to do a dive roll onto mattress.
dive roll onto mattress
As you can get more height, make the mattress higher.

3.Front flip onto mattress

If you can do a good dive roll onto mattress, tuck in the air ; try to do a front flip onto mattress.

running front flip onto mattress

If you can land on the mattress or have conviction that you can land without mattress, try running front flip without thick mattress.
Be careful, don’t make your knees hit your face when landing._
And don’t rotate too much and land on your face.


– Tuck –

To practice tuck is very easy.
The point is how swift you tuck. The swifter, the better.
Pull in your legs(knees) to your chest.
Train your abdominal muscle.

standing back flip practice : abdominal muscle training raise legs

And the other methods.

standing back flip practice : abdominal muscle training crunch and v ups
Jump straight and tuck in the air for practice.

standing back flip practice : jump and tuck without tuck
We can’t initiate rotation with the momentum of tucking, so how early we make our forms small is everything.
There is no technique.
However, if you grab your knees earlier, you can pull your knees more easily by using your arms.


– Practice with trampoline –

There are 4 phases and you can put mattress and do skills onto the mattress in each phase.

1.Hands and knees to dive roll without putting hands on the trampoline

Drop on your hands and knees and shift your weight forward.
You can rotate a little.

front flip practice : hands and knees to dive roll on trampoline

2.Knee drop to Handstand (and roll)

Do a knee drop and shift your weight forward.
Swing your arms downward and put your hands on the trampoline and do a handstand.
Put your hands just in front of you, not far.
If you flex your hip-joint earlier to put hands on the trampoline, you cannot get power from trampoline.
Like just knee drop, your hip-joint should be straight.
And just before jumping, flex your hip-joint slightly.
front flip practice : knees to handstand

3.Knee drop to dive roll

After you can do a knee drop to handstand easily, do a knee drop to dive roll.
After jumping from knee drop, pretend to put hands on the trampoline but don’t put hands on early delay the timing.
If you intend to do a knee drop to dive roll directly, you cannot concentrate on takeoff, so do that.
As is the same as knee drop to handstand, flex hip-joint just before takeoff.

front flip practice : knees to dive roll

After you get used to do this, do a knees to dive roll without putting hands on the trampoline.

front flip practice : knees to dive roll without hands on trampoline

4.Knee drop to front flip

front flip practice : knees to front flip on trampoline


Practice hard and get a better front flip!