Tutorial of Dive roll

Tutorial of Dive roll

The illustration below is a flow of a Dive roll.
In reality, you don’t move that much(An illustration of each form is shifted to right).

dive roll

  1. Jump before punch
  2. On the ground
  3. Take off
  4. In the air
  5. Prepare for landing
  6. Land and roll

Ways to Practice for Dive roll

① Jump before punch

the last jump before punching

Run faster and jump long and low.
Don’t slow down to jump; use all the momentum of run-up to jump longer like a long jumper in track&field.
The height of your waist should be kept(the yellow line).
Put your legs forward after the half in the air.
When your feet touch the ground, you should be leaning back.
In the air, you can swing your arms neighther upward or downward.
However, note that your arms should be in front of your chest when your feet touch the ground.

② On the ground

punching form when front flips


punching form when run-up is enough dive roll

Your run-up is transformed by frictional force to rotation in the air.
If you have only short run-up, you should get more momentum.
Therefore, you should swing down your arms.
If you have enough run-up, you should diminish rotation.
Therefore, you  should swing up your arms and swing your upper body backward like a back flip.
To get higher dive roll, your waist should be above your feet.
(cf. Swing your arms and upper body)

③ Take off

dive roll takeoff when run-up is short or enough

If your hip-joint is flexed, forward rotation is initiated.
Therefore, you should flex your hip joint when you have only short run-up.
If you are arched, backward rotation is initiated.
Therefore, you should arch your back when you have enough run-up.
(cf. To arch your back makes rotation but decreases height)

④ In the air

dive roll in the air
The below is the ideal in gymnastics.

dive roll in the air gymnastics ideal form

In the air, you cannot add rotation.
(cf. We don’t rotate by momentum of tucking at all)
You should control your rotation speed to roll well after landing.
Otherwise, you may fall on your face or your back may hit by the ground due to over-rotation.
Ways of control of rotation have two ways.
The one is to change your form; the small you become, the faster you rotate.
Arch and pike form is easier to rotate than straight form.
(cf. How to make your form more efficient for rotation (including improving tuck)
The other one is to change how much strength you put to your muscles; the more you put, the faster you rotate.
(cf. Put strength to all your muscles)
Also, you should look at a landing point to be able to prepare for landing and rolling.
I know it is scary, so you don’t have to look at the point so long.
As you get used to do a dive roll, look at a landing point longer.

⑤ Prepare for landing

dive roll prepare for landing

If the ground becomes close to you, put your hands on the ground.

⑥ Land and roll

dive roll land and roll

Support your body with your arms and then, bend your arms to absorb an impact of falling.
At the same time, you should flex your hip-joint.
And then, put the back of your head on the ground.
When your back touches the ground, start flexing your knees.
If you flex your hip-joint too much or start flexing your knees earlier, you cannot roll smoothly.
You should change the speed of flexing according to the rolling speed.
The order you put each part of your body on the ground is hands ⇒ the back of your head ⇒ the top part, middle part, low part of your back ⇒ hips.